Unlock the power of Excel's data analysis and Business Intelligence (BI) toolkit with Pivot Tables. Whether you're aiming to construct dynamic dashboards, conduct in-depth data analysis, or simply streamline data summaries for personal or business purposes, Pivot Tables are your key to success.
In just a few clicks, without the need for complex formulas, you can effortlessly generate insightful reports, dynamic dashboards, and informative charts. These tools empower you to summarize, analyze, interpret, and gain a deeper understanding of your data, enabling you to uncover trends and derive answers to critical questions that drive your key business decisions.
Despite their reputation for complexity, Pivot Tables are surprisingly accessible and user-friendly. Join our training session to demystify their usage and learn how to create them effectively.
Why you should Attend
Pivot Tables are indispensable tools for professionals across a spectrum of industries, from global enterprises to burgeoning startups and small businesses.
Acquiring the skill of creating Pivot Tables is a must for anyone seeking to leverage Excel for rapid report and summary development. This training will equip you with a strong foundation to build your own Pivot Tables and reports.
Areas Covered in the Session
- Use cases: Identifying scenarios where Pivot Tables shine
- Raw data best practices: What to do and what to avoid
- Create Pivot Tables effortlessly with a few simple clicks
- Data summarization techniques: Totals, counts, and percentages
- Apply formatting for enhanced readability and comprehension
- Arrange Pivot Table data alphabetically or numerically
- Visualize Pivot Table data through charts and graphs
- Managing updates when source data changes
- Using Slicers to Slice, Dice and Filter your data
- GETPIVOTDATA - What is it, when to use it and when to avoid it
Who Will Benefit
- This training is suitable for individuals who want to harness the power of Pivot Tables in Excel, whether you aim to swiftly create reports and summaries or simply enhance your Excel proficiency
- You don't need advanced Excel skills to participate; if you can create basic worksheets, copy and paste, and apply fundamental formatting to cells, you'll be able to follow along
- The training will be conducted using the latest version of Excel for Windows, although much of the functionality is applicable to earlier Excel versions
Speaker Profile
Mike Thomas - In a career spanning over 30 years, Mike Thomas, a UK-based IT Trainer, has delivered thousands of courses and produced hundreds of written and video-based tutorials.
He is a subject matter expert in a range of technologies on the Windows and Mac platforms however his primary focus and passion is Microsoft Office and Power BI.
Mike is a Microsoft MVP and a Fellow of The Learning and Performance Institute and has worked with and for many global and UK-based companies and organisations across a range of industries including healthcare, pharmaceutical and public sector.
In addition to training, he also designs and develops Microsoft Office-based solutions that automate key business tasks and processes