6-Hour Virtual Seminar


Product Id : 1001
Angela Bazigos

Price Details +

US$1.00 Live
Refund Policy

Live: One Dial-in One Attendee


Why you should attend

This course is appropriate for beginner and experienced person alike. The topics will build on each other and will give you the latest trends in our heavily regulated industry and how to make it easy for yourself while still achieving data integrity.

This is a very hands-on class and the attendees will be given take away templates that will enable them to build a complete package to meet Data Integrity Requirements for Computerized Systems

Who Will Benefit

  • VP of IT
  • Director of IT
  • Quality Managers
  • Project Managers (for DATA INTEGRITY / IT)
  • Validation Specialists
  • Database Administrators
  • System Administrators
  • Directors / Senior Directors of Discovery
  • Directors / Senior Directors of Development
  • Directors / Senior Directors of Commercialization
  • Document Managers
  • Training Managers
  • Consultants
  • Data Managers
  • Safety Managers


  • What is Data Integrity and how is it implemented?
  • How to use Risk Based Assessments to reduce work while still achieving Data Integrity and Compliance?
  • Data Integrity Frequently Asked Questions
  • Validation Master Plan
  • Change Control
  • SOPs

Speaker Profile

Angela Bazigos is the CEO of Touchstone Technologies Inc. She has degrees in Microbiology and Computing and 40 years of experience in the Life Sciences, Healthcare & Public Health Services.

Experience combines Quality Assurance, Regulatory Compliance, Business Administration, Information Technology, Project Management, Clinical Lab Science, Microbiology, Food Safety & Turnarounds. Past employers / clients include Royal Berkshire Hospital, Roche, Novartis, Genentech, PriceWaterhouseCoopers & Stanford Hospital. Positions include Chief Compliance Officer,Director of QA and MIS Director. Co-authored & prototyped 21 CFR 11 guidance with FDA. Co-authored Computerized Systems in Clinical Research w/ FDA & DIA Patent on speeding up software compliance https://www.google.com/patents/US8266578.

Recently quoted in Wall Street Journal for using training to bring regulatory compliance to the Boardroom includes training for Society of Quality Assurance.

Comments / collaborates with FDA on new guidance documents. Former President of Pacific Regional Chapter of Society of Quality Assurance. Stanford's Who's Who for LifeSciences.